Energy crisis is the most important environmental issues of our times that needs to be addressed promptly. The threat of depletion of many energy resources looming large has many scientists working round the clock to devise ways of coping with the energy crisis. Changes and innovations on large scale are possible only if we begin work on the smaller scale and what better way to begin transforming the world than by introducing changes in your very home itself. By slightly modifying the cooking methodology, you can indeed make a difference to the environment.
So what change should you adopt in the cooking methodology? Well, I would suggest using induction cooktops as a step towards energy-efficient way of cooking. Although on the expensive side, the technology is worth it. Hazardous fumes or chemicals are not released into the air because of the use of these innovative cooktops. The benefits offered are that electricity consumed is less than even half the amount required by electric cookers, safety, higher thermal efficiency almost in the range of 84% as compared to 40% for a gas cooker and faster cooking.
So, what are you waiting for? Get started right away in your very home to deal with the problem of energy crisis using this environmentally sound technology of induction cooking.